
  1. 想做某件事;
  2. 找各种理由拖延;
  3. 越拖延越责怪自己,越想找理由放弃;
  4. 拖到最后要么匆匆了事,要么干脆不做,因为没时间了;
  5. 严斥自己,保证下次不会这样;
  6. 重复以上过程;




因为事太多了 ⇒

  • 忙是好事。
    • 将大事分解成可控制的小事;
    • 将时间打碎,每次只花1到2小时完成一件小事;
    • 将学习计划打碎:每天每个主题都学一点,这样相对其他人不会落后太多;
    • 设定5天学习计划;
  • 开始学习之前先运动或冥想一会;

因为沮丧和挫败感 ⇒

  • 适当休息;
  • 记住学习新事物本来就具有挑战性,沮丧和挫败感是正常的;
  • 培养成长型思维;
  • 学会寻求帮助!参加答疑,加入学习小组,或者请教朋友;

因为完美主义 ⇒

  • 完美主义者总是想将事情规划得天衣无缝之后再开始动手。这并不符合事物的正常发展规律。草稿也很重要!说服你自己,草稿也很重要。大部分的想法/项目/论文在草稿完成之后都可以有较大提升。草稿可以让你有足够的时间和空间进行有效产出;
  • 不要求自己一定要通篇完成,可以先定一个草稿;
  • 最终结果一定要惊艳吗?尝试让自己适应一个“够好了就行”的结果。虽然一味追求平庸并不可取,但采用这个策略是绝对没问题的;

因为惰性 ⇒

  • 许多人都发现结尾比开头难。所以别追求结果,尽管开始就行!
  • 如何开始?给自己设定5分钟,这5分钟啥也别干,只专门做要做的事,直到时间结束。如果意犹未尽,那就继续做下去。这样至少你已经开始了!
  • 你想等焦虑症找上门吗?如果你不想感受焦虑,那就按定好的计划执行。

因为没啥动力 ⇒

  • 尝试将你当下做的事情和你的最终目标联系起来,用构建出的宏大的愿景来激励自己。
  • 暗示自己,将“我得做”改成“我要做”。

因为自我怀疑 ⇒

  • 花点时间停止胡思乱想,想想自己已经收获了哪些东西。祝贺你!你的努力已经得到了回报,请继续!

因为生气 ⇒

  • 如果你是因为不喜欢这个老师或课程而讨厌完成任务,认真地问自己:不做完到底对谁有好处?
    • 你有本事把生气转化成生产力吗?

因为确实没时间 ⇒

  • 为什么这么忙?有没有哪件事是可以商量商量的?
  • 改进时间规划,允许适当放松。

Break the Cycle of Procrastination!

People who procrastinate rarely do nothing instead of the task at hand. Procrastinators often find themselves cleaning their room, feeding the cat, calling their aunt, going down a very interesting but pointless YouTube rabbit hole—they're not doing nothing, but they're not doing the thing they want and need to be doing.

The first step in breaking your procrastination cycle is to figure out why you're not doing whatever it is you really should be doing.

Why do you procrastinate?

I procrastinate because I'm overwhelmed 

  • Chunks are your friend.
    • Turn big assignments into smaller more manageable chunks.
    • Break your time up into chunks, spending no more than 1-2 hours at a time on each project or class.
    • Chunk your daily studying: study each subject a little bit each day so you don't get too far behind any one class.
    • Set up a five-day study plan.
  • Get exercise or meditate before you get started on your project.

I procrastinate because I'm frustrated  

  • Plan breaks into your work.
  • Remember that learning new things can be challenging and sometimes frustrating. It's part of it.
  • Fostering a growth mindset can help!
  • Get help with challenging material! Go to office hours or tutoring, get yourself in a study group, ask a friend.

I procrastinate because of perfectionism  

  • Perfectionists often feel they need to sit on their ideas until the project will emerge perfectly. This is not how things usually work. DRAFTS!!! Remind (or convince) yourself that drafts are a powerful tool. Most ideas/projects/papers are improved if you make a draft and let it sit for a while. Drafts give you time and space to let your ideas stew productively.
  • Start off by setting a goal not to finish a paper, but to get started a draft.
  • Does the final project actually need to be great? Try to get yourself comfortable with “good enough” being good enough. It’s not a good idea to strive for mediocrity all the time, but when employed strategically “good enough” is really, truly ok.

I procrastinate because of inertia  

  • Many people find it’s easier to finish a project than start one. So, don’t set “finishing” your assignment as your goal, just start!
  • How can you get started? Set your timer for 5 minutes, turn off all distractions, and work on your project until the timer goes off. If you feel like working more, do. At least now you’ve started!
  • Do you wait for the Panic Monster to visit you before you get started? If you would prefer to NOT require a feeling of panic in order to get things done, keep the panic monster at bay by working on your time management and calendaring

I procrastinate because I’m not that motivated  

  • Figure out how what you’re supposed to be working on connects to your goals so you can access big-picture motivation.
  • Watch your self-talk language: try replacing “I have to” with “I want to.”

I procrastinate because of self-doubt  

  • Take a minute to pause negative self-talk and honestly inventory your accomplishments. Congratulations! You’ve worked hard to get where you are. Keep up the good work!

I procrastinate because of anger  

  • If you’re not doing an assignment because you’re mad at the teacher or you don’t like the class, ask yourself honestly: who are you hurting by not doing the assignment?
    • How can you channel your anger productively?

I procrastinate because I truly genuinely do not have time  

  • Why are you so busy?? What commitments can you renegotiate with yourself or with other people?
  • Get better at planning your time and give yourself permission to stop over-scheduling.
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