

关于写作内容,第一篇要求基于给出的图表信息,写一篇报告,描述或比较图表中的内容,有可能需要给出一定的结论,比如下面的官方样题Part One。






Part One

下面的图表给出了三种打印机的购买费用(buying cost),保修费用(warranty cost),运行费用(running cost),以及各自的前2年运行成本。利用给出的图表信息,写一个比较三种打印机费用的简短报告

Part Two

Question 1


  • 你喜欢那个公司的哪个方面
  • 哪两个实践措施值得从其借鉴
  • 为什么公司会从中得到收益

Question 2


  • 说明他被炒鱿鱼的原因
  • 告诉他工资会在这周结算
  • 简要告知你当前情况(以便交接)

Question 3


  • 部门当前正在使用的技术手段简介
  • 描述哪些新技术手段可以使用
  • 应用这些新技术的收益有哪些
  • 推荐对应的培训种类


  1. Content
  2. Communicative Achievement
  3. Origanisation
    文章各部分组织合理,符合逻辑,衔接准确。这里要借助一些常用的“衔接手段”,比如 First of all .... Aditionally.... However.... Finally.... 等。
  4. Language


Report: Photocopier Costs

Of the three types of photocopiers, Carda, KD, Sebu, the purchase price of Carda is the lowest. It is slightly more than $600 but its expected running cost for the first two years is the highest with its warranty cost at the mid-level of the three photocopiers.

In comparison, the purchase price of KD is a little more than Carda, which is $700, whereas the expected running cost of KD is much less than that of Carda, which is $1200. However, KD's warranty cost is the highest of the three, at $200. Contrastingly, Sebu's purchase price is the highest of the three, i.e. $1000, but it costs consumers the least in warranty and running for the first two years. In other words, the expected total cost of Carda for the initial 2-year period is $1900, more than that of both Sebu and KD($1800).

In conclusion, it would be advisable to buy KD photocopier which is generally more advantageous in cost than its competitors.


Report on the Introduction of Two Practices


The aim of this report is to analyze and assess the effective policies adopted by ABC Company to improve work efficiency and recommand the introduction of two items into our company. The presented information has been obtained during the assistant manager's visit to the company.


It was found that ABC Company implements some effective and innovative policies to improve work efficiency. In face of fierce competition, the board of directors of ABC Company has made certain breakthroughs in promoting work efficiency in terms of equipment and personnel. 


It is felt that ABC's policies function to improve manufacturing productivity and boost staff morale and work efficiency. It would be feasible and desirable to bring in two of its practices and carry them out in our business. 


It is recommended that we set out to consider and plan the introduction of tow practices into our comapny. The most significant practices of concern are the following:

  • Upgrading manufacturing and office equipments
  • Streamlining the organization

If we upgrade the equipments, our production output will be raised considerably and the manufacturing costs and expenses will be markedly reduced. In this way, capital turnover could be correspondingly accelerated. Office facilities also need improving so as to create a good work atmosphere and promote work efficiency.

As for streamlining the organisation, it is desirable to downsize the workforce to cut down on the redundancy in office. Moreover, the staff morale will be boosted and the awareness of competition will be enhanced among the employees of our company.


Dear Sir,

My name is Jerry Brown and I am an employee of Star Company where you were employed. I am writing to explain why you have been replaced and plead with you to brief me on the current situation. 

The reasons why you were replaced, I think, involve a variety of factors. On the one hand, we came to realize that you did not know our products well enough. It manifested itself in your design of the brochures and advertisements. The brochures and advertisements failed to highlight the important features of our products, that is, these products could meet different needs of various customers from nearly all walks of life. On the other hand, as you know, our budget for the exhibition is $50,000, but up till now you have spent $35000. By rough estimate, the total expenditure of your project will cost us $150,000, which is far more than originally predicted. With our already tight financial situation, such a large sum of expenditure surely can not be met.

However, we decided to pay you for your work in accordance with the contract between us. We confess that your failure at work is also our fault, for we should have acquainted you with the detailed information about our products and let you know what the objectives our company are and which market strategies we employ to achieve them.

Since I will take over full responsibility instead, I really need related information on the present staus. I would appreciate it if you could brief me on the current situation.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. 

Sincerely yours, 

Jerry Brown


Proposal On Technological Improvements


The purpose of this proposal is to summarise and analyse the possible use of techonolgy in the Marketing Department.

Current Use of Technology

Up to now the members of our department have taken advantage of technological equipment, such as computers, in order to launch our produsts most successfully. Not only have we arranged promotional and advertising campaigns but we have also conducted market research via the internet so as to meet our consumer's growing demands.

Technological Improvements

In our work we have used computer software and hardware which have already become obsolete and which urgently need modernisation. Therefore, the purchase of up-to-date software and equipment is of prime importance.


There is no denying that these improvements will bring vast profits to the company. After the mordernisation of these software and equipment, our team will be able to work more efficiently and effectively and make greater use of technological innovations. Moreover, our company will be more likely to easily overcome the fierce competition in the market.


It seems that our staff do not possess the knowledge of how to use the software. Thus, training on the use of modern software would be recommended as necessary. 


To sum up, the introducction of new technology for the Marketing Department will enable the company to gain huge profits. Our position in the market will be further strengthened.

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