• fulfilling (注意不是fullfilling) making you feel happy and satisfied; 令人满意的
    • Nursing is hard work, but it can be very fulfilling.
  • high-powered   
    • 1. (of machines) very powerful; 高性能的;大马力的;  ~ motorbike; ~ computer;
    • 2. (of people) very successful or having a very important job; 身居要职的 a ~ attorney;
  • demanding
    • needing a lot of time, attention, or energy; 花费精力的;
  • carry out work   开展工作
    • Assistant to the supervisor and manager to carry out work; 协助主管或经理开展工作;
  • supervise work   监督工作
    • I supervise the packing of all mail orders; 我监督所有的邮购商品包装;
  • take on work   承担工作
    • I only take on work that excites me; 我只承担我感兴趣的工作;
    • If you're asked to take on work in addition to what you do now, ask for a priority list and find out who you will report to for the new resonsibilities;
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