• formulaic    公式化的,刻板的
    • formulaic movies    公式化的电影
  • incline    v.倾向于;赞同(某人或某事);有...倾向;(使)倾斜;低头;n. 斜坡;斜面
    • a steep inline    一个陡坡
    • incline one's head    低头
    • incline to    倾向于
      • Those who fail incline to blame the world for their failure.
  • command    除命令,指令外,还可以表示对语言的掌握
    • I'm inclined to say that your command on English is quite good.
  • dormitory   宿舍
    • college dormitory  大学宿舍


  • yet to be   有待,尚未
    • Martin Luther King was killed 53 years ago. His fight for Black voting rights has yet to be won.
    • The cutoff date for registering is yet to be announced.  注册的截止日期尚未公布。


  • infrastructure   基础设施,公共建设


  • secondary   第二的,次要的;副手,代理人;
    • secondary school    初中
    • of secondary importance   第二重要
    • secondary market  次要市场;二手市场
    • secondary pollution   二次污染
  • cadence   节奏;韵律;抑扬顿挫,与ryhthm近义
    • The music is secondary, if you will, to the dramatic cadence of language, to the way the rhythm of language was used to express feeling and used to add drama.  


  • subject to   使服从;使遭受;受...管制
  • malicious   恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的
    • This type of data is subject to threats from hackers and other malicious threats to gain access to the data digitally or physical theft of the data storage media.


  • 弹性工作制   flexible work schedule; flextime
  • 注定的   destined to
  • bait-and-switch    一种欺诈手法,先用极具诱惑力的广告宣传吸引客户,等客户前去购买时再声称该物品无法购买,然后诱导客户购买相似的高价物品,参考https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bait-and-switch
  • 临时抱佛脚   cram for exams
    • She was cramming for her Economics exams.
  • gastronomic   烹饪学的
  • lace   花边;鞋带
  • embroidery   刺绣
  • artisan   工匠
  • craft   工艺,手艺;也指精酿,如craft beer,精酿啤酒
  • distilling   蒸馏,用蒸馏法制造(洒等)
  • 烈酒   spirit,一般用复数形式spirits
  • 饮料   beverages; drinks,可以用复数形式
    • beverage room   茶水间
  • pet phrase   口头禅


  • collocation  语言学里专指词语搭配,也就是词组
  • suit yourself  随你便

- Let's get the obvious stuff out of the way.

- You're not human, are you?

- It's tough to get any more obivious than that.

- If I had to guess, I'd say you're a program from the machine world, so is he.

- So far, so good.

- But if that's true, that could mean you're part of this system, another kind of control.

- Keep going.

- I suppose the most obivious question is, How can I trust you.

- Bingo. It is a pickle, no doubt about it. Bad news is there's no way if you really know whether I'm here to help or not. So it's really up to you. Just have to make up your own damn mind to either accept what I'm going to tell you or reject it. Candy?

- Do you already know if I'm going to take it?

- Wouldn't be much of an oracle if I didn't;

- ....


  • virtual reality sickness   3D晕眩症
  • car sick   晕车


  • brief 可作动词,简要描述,比如:
    • ask him to brief you on the curren situation.


  • whereas  然而,鉴于
    • She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have ncie manners. 真正魅力大多数只是礼貌而已。
  • i.e.  即,也就是,相当于that is to say, in other words
    • His stomachache made him feel wretched(i.e. ill) all day. 胃疼得整天十分难受生病)。


  • punctuality  名词,守时,对应的形容词是punctual,守时的
    • punctuality is a virtue, being punctual shows your reliability.


window dressing  充门面,粉饰太平

  • these measures seem to be mere window dressing and won't solve the problem.

  • amateur  业余的,业余爱好者
  • purchase  购买 
    • purchasing power  购买力
  • circulation  流通,循环,还有发行量的意思
    • The magazine's circulation continue to climb.
  • campaign  活动
  • succession  继位,还有连续的意思
    • in succession  连续地
    • succession planning  接班人计划
  • exhibition  展览,动词形式为exhibit
  • pharmaceutical  制药的
  • fluctuate  振荡,波动  fluctuate between 200m and 300m, fluctuate over the three years
  • fluctuating 振荡的,波动的,fluctuating downard trend
  • proportion 比例,占比
  • In contrast/ on the contrary  相反地
  • approximately  大约,近似地
  • optimistic/pessimistic   乐观的/悲观的
    • the profit still presented a much pessimistic picture 利润仍然呈现得并不乐观
  • bankruptcy  破产
  • durable  耐用品
    • consumer durables 消费耐用品

  • customer-comes-first principle  顾客至上原则

  • catastrophe  大灾难
    • public relation catastrophe  公关灾难
  • 关于lack的用法
    • lack可以当动词,并且既可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词,当为及物动词时,后面不需要接任何介词,比如 I lack confidence when I speak English. 当为不及物动词时,后面接for,比如 They lack for nothing; She does not lack for friends. lack的及物动词当用被动词态,比如food is lacked by the people there.
    • lack可以当名词,后面固定接of,比如lack of experience, lack of money.
    • lack的形容词是lacking,可以使用固定搭配be lacking in,比如He is lacking in practical experience. 也可以单独充当形容词,比如 Money for the project is still lacking.


  • 把A和B搞混了
    • Sorry, I have A and B mixed up.
    • I often mistake her for her mother on the phone.
    • I think you're confusing him with someone else.
    • You're confusing me with my sister - she's the singer.

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